Ayurvedic Treatment For Paralysis : Home Remedies
Paralysis, also known as “Lakva” or “Pakshaghat” in Hindi, is a condition where half of the body loses sensation and becomes numb. This often results from the excessive formation of gas in the stomach, increased air pressure on the brain, or heightened pressure on the heart. These factors can lead to a sudden impact on the body, resulting in paralysis. In Ayurveda, there are several natural remedies and treatments that can help manage and potentially recover from paralysis. Let’s explore the Ayurvedic treatment for Paralysis in detail.
Effective Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis
Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis aims to restore balance in the body’s energies and improve mobility by targeting the root causes. By using natural herbs, oils, and lifestyle changes, Ayurveda offers effective remedies to help manage paralysis and support recovery. Here are some of the most beneficial Ayurvedic treatments for paralysis.
1. Homeopathic Remedies
- Rhus Tox-30: Administer two drops of Rhus Tox-30 on the tongue every 15 minutes, three times a day. Continue this for at least one month to observe improvement.
- Causticum-1M: Give two drops of Causticum-1M three times a day at intervals of 30 to 45 minutes. This should be administered once a week for a period of two to three months for potential recovery.
2. Cow Ghee
Cow ghee is a powerful element in Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis. Apply two drops of slightly warmed cow ghee in each nostril at bedtime. This method can help in clearing accumulated blood clots in the brain, improving symptoms related to paralysis.
3. Mustard and Akarakara Powder with Honey
Mix equal amounts of mustard and akarkara to make a fine powder. Combine this powder with honey to form a paste. Apply this paste on the tongue three times a day to alleviate paralysis symptoms.
4. Garlic in Milk
Boil 8-10 cloves of garlic in 250 ml of cow’s milk until it thickens. Give this mixture to the patient. This remedy helps in providing relief from paralysis symptoms.
5. Ginger and Black Gram (Urad Dal) Decoction
Boiling ginger and black gram together creates a beneficial decoction. Giving this water to the patient is another Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis known to provide significant relief.
6. Cotton Root Powder and Honey
Mix one teaspoon of cotton root powder with honey and consume. This remedy is effective in managing paralysis symptoms.
7. Raw Garlic and Honey
Crush 5-6 raw garlic cloves and mix them with honey. Consume this mixture to benefit from its therapeutic properties.
8. Herbal Concoction
An Ayurvedic concoction made from black gram (Urad Dal), Mucuna pruriens (Kaunch ke Beej), Castor root (Erand ki Jad), Sida cordifolia (Bala), Asafoetida (Hing), rock salt (Sendha Namak), and honey can provide significant relief. This herbal remedy, when boiled and given to the patient, forms a key part of Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis.
9. Mustard Oil and Black Pepper Massage
Massage is another significant aspect of Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis. Heating 250 grams of mustard oil with powdered black pepper and using this oil to massage the affected parts of the body can improve blood circulation and reduce paralysis symptoms.
10. Flaxseed Powder and Honey
Mix flaxseed powder with honey and give it to the patient. This remedy can provide relief from paralysis.
11. Basil Leaves (Tulsi), Rock Salt, and Yogurt Paste
Prepare a paste using 8-10 basil leaves, rock salt, and yogurt. Apply this paste on the affected area to relieve paralysis symptoms.
Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis provides a holistic and natural approach to managing and potentially recovering from paralysis. By focusing on restoring balance in the body through natural herbs, oils, and specific dietary modifications, Ayurveda offers effective ways to alleviate paralysis symptoms. It is essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these treatments.
Incorporating these Ayurvedic remedies and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help individuals suffering from paralysis experience significant improvement in their condition. For those looking for natural remedies, Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis offers a comprehensive and effective path to healing and recovery.
Incorporating these Ayurvedic remedies and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help individuals suffering from paralysis experience significant improvement in their condition. For those looking for natural remedies, Ayurvedic treatment for paralysis offers a comprehensive and effective path to healing and recovery.