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types of ghosts

Types Of Ghosts : Preta, Pitr, Bhuta And Beyond

Ghosts have been a subject of fascination and fear across cultures and religions. As described in the Garuda Purana, there are various types of ghosts, each with distinct characteristics and origins. Understanding these entities can offer insights into ancient beliefs and traditions.

Types of Ghosts in Garuda Purana

The Garuda Purana, an ancient Hindu text, delves into the world of the supernatural, detailing various entities that roam the earthly and spiritual realms. Among these, the most intriguing are the ghosts: Preta, Pitr, Bhuta, Pishacha, Vetala, and Brahma Rakshas.

1. Preta (The Wandering Spirits)

After death and the completion of funeral rituals, the spirit of the deceased, known as the Preta, remains in the crematorium for a few days. It then begins its journey across the Vaitarni River to Yama-loka. Pretas are characterized by their insatiable hunger and thirst, wandering in search of food and water. According to the Garuda Purana, specific rituals and offerings can alleviate their suffering and guide them toward peace.

2. Pitr (The Ancestral Spirits)

Pitr refers to the ancestral spirits honored in Hindu tradition. These souls have reached a higher state of existence. Pretas become Pitrs after performing Pinda Daan and Shraddha ceremonies. The Garuda Purana emphasizes the importance of honoring Pitrs through these rituals. Doing so ensures the well-being of the ancestors’ souls and attracts their blessings. Unlike other ghostly entities, Pitrs are benevolent and protective.

3. Bhuta (The Earthbound Spirits)

Bhutas are ghosts trapped in the past due to incomplete rituals that hinder their journey to the afterlife. They haunt the living, often found in lonely or abandoned places. The term ‘bhuta’ also signifies elements (air, fire, water, earth, and ether) and the past. In many communities, rituals summon Bhutas to bless the living, reveal the future, and resolve disputes. When funeral rites are neglected, Bhutas cause accidents, diseases, and misfortune. Rituals are performed to feed, calm, and reassure these spirits.

Some ghosts refuse to cross the Vaitarni River due to their attachment to their past lives. This attachment, known as moha, makes them linger on earth, seeking revenge or justice.

4. Pishacha (The Malevolent Beings)

Pishachas are among the most malevolent type of ghosts. Pretas and Pitrs fear them, as do Devas and rishis fear Asuras and Rakshasas. Pishachas originate from Pretas who fail to transition into Pitrs. They torment both the dead and the living, causing fear, madness, and various afflictions. They pollute water and fire, spoil food, and create foul smells. Pishachas can also cause boils, rashes, miscarriages, accidents, and lead livestock astray. Special rituals can pacify them and guide them to Pitr-loka.

5. Vetala (The Possessive Spirits)

Vetala are type of ghosts known for their ability to possess corpses and animate them. As per tales, King Vikramaditya ventured into a crematorium for a specific reason: to capture a vetala. These spirits dwell in cemeteries, waiting to take control of dead bodies. Vetalas have knowledge of the past, present, and future and can be summoned by those who seek their wisdom. However, dealing with Vetalas is dangerous due to their unpredictable nature and potential for causing harm. Some ghosts do not want to cross the Vaitarni, remaining attached to life, seeking revenge or justice, and longing for the life they had or lost.

6. Brahma Rakshas (The Cursed Souls)

Brahma Rakshas are spirits of Brahmins who have committed severe sins or misused their knowledge. Cursed to roam as malevolent beings, Brahma Rakshas are extremely powerful and dangerous. They retain their intellectual abilities, which they use for evil purposes. To appease a Brahma Rakshas, one must perform elaborate rituals and seek divine intervention.


The Garuda Purana offers a detailed account of various types of ghosts, each with unique characteristics and origins. From the wandering Preta to the malevolent Brahma Rakshas, these entities reflect ancient beliefs. Understanding these ghostly beings provides insight into ancient spiritual practices and underscores the importance of rituals and reverence for both the living and the departed.